Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Cooler heads prevailed...no gas tax (yet)

At Monday's County Commission meeting, cooler (or perhaps reelection-minded) heads prevailed, and no nickel gas tax hike was passed. At the WayneWho Institute, we had been running a side pool, expecting that a one to two cent tax would have been imposed as a compromise measure. Kudos to County Auditor Kathy Wall for telling the board that there are "plenty of methods available to the board" to fund the commuter rail project. Since a funding method was not decided during the vote, we will need to keep our eyes open during the budget process.

A cautionary glance at the County Manager, who proposed the five cent per gallon tax to fund commuter rail and other transit projects. Was the five cent figure an inflated number so that one to two cents would have been more palatable to the commissioners? Or did the manager float the trial balloon so that the commissioners could watch the prevailing political winds?

Note that Volusia County approved their participation today, and (like most of the other participants) seems to know where their funds are coming from, including the use of economic development funds.

Now that commuter rail has been approved, the real work has to begin. There will be three stations in Osceola County: along Osceola Parkway, in downtown Kissimmee, and in Poinciana. While FDOT and the rail folks will have a great deal of input into the configuration of the stations, it's important that the work begins now on access to the stations, parking, and getting bus routes in place so that Lynx buses link up with the train (yep, Kissimmee, that means that you better add that intermodal station to your project plate, and something about a parking deck at the Civic Center?).

We think the publicity for the economic development that rail is supposed to drive should start now as well. Get those signs up, folks..."future commuter rail station." And get the markings on the maps, and get the word out on the Chamber website and the Economic Development Department website.

We're building it, we better make our best effort to make it a success.


Anonymous said...

The will get us yet. They just made this move so they can bring up the funding options with out anyone knowing what is happening. Maybe they can just create a "Train" fee and stick it on our power bill so at least we know what we are paying. And what is up with Ken Smith just now realizing that we should start using tourist money for something other than parties for the CVB? Ken, $30 Million sitting in the bank for a dead project? Get with program.

Anonymous said...

"A cautionary glance at the County Manager, who proposed the five cent per gallon tax to fund commuter rail and other transit projects. Was the five cent figure an inflated number so that one to two cents would have been more palatable to the commissioners? Or did the manager float the trial balloon so that the commissioners could watch the prevailing political winds?"
No, he just wants to make sure that with all the budget cuts there is still enough money to cover his $170,000 a year salary.