Wednesday, July 25, 2007

On your marks, get set…

St. Cloud announces that two old names in local politics are back on the scene and ready to run -or walk given the age factor of the contenders- for vacated City Council Seat 2. The unfortunate predicament we find ourselves in is that every election its old news when we see the same roll call of too familiar faces vying for power and control. With an ex-council member announcing he will run(again), we can’t help but ask ourselves “Don’t these guys get it?” Why not add some energy and vitality to the mix?

We feel that the status quo has got us in this mess that we are in today. Both “announcers of their candidacy” are unwavering in their participation and support of taxpayers’ money going into government subsidies and big government. Same faces-new race.

Isn’t it time we let somebody else take hold of the reigns? Let’s hope for the sanctity of what we call home, a fresh face will come along with the ability and determination to end the old regime and bring about much needed change.


Anonymous said...

There is no one out there that isn't some part of the establish candidate list. Either Ex-Elected officals that should stay that way, or wannabe elected officals that have worked with all of these old time candidates. Not only do we need new ideas, but we need people who are going to listen to the voters.

It would be nice to like who I have to vote for at some point in my life.

Anonymous said...

I am old, and I don't want these folks anymore. I just have to wonder that when you are in the world of politics, does old mean sold out. Developers and fancy consultants come in and just march these folks around by their nose.

The problem is that the new candidates like John 'Q', just don't seem to understand what they are doing. They are not part of the system that has been in power for eons.

Anonymous said...

Wayne Who, WORD is another candidate has filed. I'm told he's an unknown in the "established" world of politics. The papers haven't even broke it yet.
The answer to your article may have already come true.
Heck, the answer to all our prayers may have come true!!!
I think it's great. He may be the one we've all been waiting for.

Anonymous said...

I hope he does well. I am tired of having to choose the lesser of all the evils. I agree with the old anonymous above. I too am up there in years and I think our generation has done what they can do. It's time for us to let the next generation fix what we've messed up. It's their turn at bat.

Anonymous said...

People with energy and vitality do not run. We are always left with what rises to the top of the an outhouse in the summer months. And it costs some serious to get rid of that smell. It never suprises me when we read in "news" papers that the voter turn out was lower than ever. Nobody wants to risk getting that on them.

Anonymous said...

I agree with all of the comments above... I am so sick of having to vote for the lesser of evils! I want a candidate that I can vote for, but not only that, enjoy voting for them... Go to the ballots with a little skip in my step knowing that help is on the way, that if my candidate succeeds, things WILL get better. If we get that kind of candidate, I would not only volunteer as much time as possible, but I would also volunteer my money for that person!

Anonymous said...

Absolutely dead on. We get stuck with the same name in the news politicians every election. We need someone different for sure. The "old regime" as Wayne Who so accurately described them must have some kind of pro-developer, anti-people machine that mass produces stick in the mud politicians on a daily basis. The label on their box says "Brains not included."
Give us anybody besides what we've got now.

Anonymous said...

Anyone can make a difference! Anyone can run! The process is fairly reasonable to get on the ballot. You can probably win the election with 1500 votes, probably less because it is a special election. If you don't have any money, just go door to door and talk to the voters. Get a couple of volunteers. With a 50 day window you need to reach about 10 voters per day. Get their names, telephone numbers, and committments. Get them to vote early. Make sure the rest turn out on election day.

Winning a St Cloud election is so easy that even a School Board member can do it!